Thursday, July 10, 2008

review of a week in the mountains

Zoe is awesome.
Monday - we painted a little - mostly enjoyed one another's company, and I played guitar for the first time EVER! (wanted to buy one immediately, but I've gotta save the learning on that for some other time, I think).
Tuesday - painted for four hours in the woods (First time painting outside). Picked mulberries during a rainstorm and climbed on a precarious bridge in order to do so. Went to church and then went contra dancing. Then watched Bella, which is a great movie and is directed by a Christian.
Wednesday - Painted with Zoe's friend Cindy in her house on top of a mountain, made key lime pie, and performed at open mic. They gave us free steak dinner - how cool is that?
Will have art pictures to share soon!
Hope everyone's enjoying their summer. Going swimming in the rock quarry tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Need an Outlet

God's provision will be made known.
I told Jeff Bullock today that I had a prophecy that said "I'm going to whistle and call you to another nation" - told him I had no idea what the whistling was about, and what did he do?
He whistled . . . for a long time.
When they prayed for me, they prayed, "Thank You, Lord for sending us cool people."
I know my Hungarian numbers up to 20.
I also know just enough to be dangerous in photoshop right now. . . .
Ah, what a wonderful summer of dreams!