First things first, though. Lindsay asked if I got the second frap - the answer, of course, is "no" (one coffee per day is enough for me, and I didn't need an afternoon caffeine boost disturbing my nap time). After talking this over with some friends, though, I realized that if you teamed up with a friend and your friend liked to drink coffee in the morning, you drank in the evening, and you split the cost, you really would have a symbiotic relationship that fared well for you and Starbucks. Use it to your advantage! (Who knows how long this promotion will go on?).
Anyway, my colleague mentioned a quote from Bill Clinton that I thought was just beautiful: "People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power." Doesn't this hold true for each of our lives? We should definitely take care of the economy at home and bless others by leading by example. I thought about how much America is in debt and how many people in America are in debt. Could it not be because of our leaders' examples?
Oh, but the reason I'm so amenable to democrats and republicans is because I also see the need to finish what we started in Iraq. I guess not so much in a war sense, but could we repair what is broken over there? Could we rebuild what we've destroyed? The most frustrating thing to me is not knowing what really goes on day in and day out.
And, what else? McCain chose a woman for his running mate. A history teacher told me just mins after it happened. This came as really good news to me (and is certainly complicating my voting choice). I do wish health to McCain, but man, if he were to die in office, we'd have a woman president. That was a smart political move for him, no doubt.