Thursday, December 11, 2008


Friends. This is a maddening time of year, but I'm so thankful. Had precious HOURS with some friends of 10 years this week, three coffee meetings in between, received encouragement, books, ideas that will propel my writing for years to come. Have seen the Durham downtown lights at least 2 nights, and tonight, it's off to Raleigh to bake cookies with precious women. What amazes me is that none of us gave each other gifts, but we encouraged each other and that is worth way more than any Target purchase.

One of the most exciting things, faithful blog readers, to announce to you first is that my birthday party will actually BE on my birthday: January 22, 2009 - a Thursday. I'll send invites soon with more details :). Having a party this epic makes me feel like this:
Some brief shots of teaching to humor you:
I just finished working with Romeo and Juliet. The kids had to perform skits in different time periods: the 20s, the 30s, the 50s, the 60s, the 70s. One of the weirdest questions I got during this process was, "Can we wear fat suits?" This question came from the two smallest girls I've ever taught. The kids also had to incorporate slang from their time period into their skit. The group from the 30s used the word "sucks." I still haven't asked him if this originated from the 30s. And probably the most interesting thing, I've had two dating couples in the same class this semester. This latest really perplexed me - I saw them hugging in the hall and promptly thought, "How did this happen? They sit on opposite sides of the room!" Lo and behold, the next day were skit performances and I realized, "Oh, they were in the same skit group." I continue my refrain, "There is no love in English!" *Sigh* - it never works.

Next, I teach poetry. I am excited about it, but my deepest teaching question remains: How do you get guys to like or just have a passing interest in poetry?

For sure, my next post will be pictures and updates from Budapest. I have a lot to do between now and then. Happy Holidays to all!


Brandee said...

Ha! Love're so creative. As for poetry...consider some forms of hip-hop. Even if they prefer some other forms of music, find some lyrics and present those first. Then play the song and see what happens...

I'm also reminded of Giovanni's "Hip Hop Speaks to Children" book

Your students aren't children anymore, but the book may be somewhat relevant.

Unknown said...

"I think you broke my clavicle." - Quick Draw McGraw

Nicole! The way to get guys interested in poetry is to clue them in that it's how to get in good with the ladies. See the Fresh Prince of Bel Air episode entitled "Def Poets' Society". I can let you borrow it; have season 1 on DVD. It's HILARIOUS--you of all people have to see it.

Sarah said...

what do you plan on doing for your party?